As adults, we take for granted how easy it is to alleviate nasal congestion by merely blowing our nose! For a baby, nasal congestion can be an overwhelming and painful experience. Most parents rely on the aspirator and humidifier. Both are important tools for the cold and flu season; but have you considered massage? Massage holds many benefits besides the obvious relief of symptoms. When massaging the sinuses, jaw and ears, you encourage drainage and, in turn, can prevent a possible ear infection. Massage is also an excellent preventative tool; as it assists in the elimination of toxins. Here is a quick massage routine you can try with your little one. Be sure to practice before your baby is actually suffering from congestion. You will both feel comfortable with the massage and it will come as second nature to you when your baby wakes at 3am with congestion pain!
Facial Massage
Place a small amount of non-nut oil (less than the size of a dime) in your hands; rub your hands together to warm the oil
Facial Massage
Place a small amount of non-nut oil (less than the size of a dime) in your hands; rub your hands together to warm the oil
Massaging the jaw:
1. Cup hands under child’s head just behind the ears; then slowly glide the hands along the jaw towards the chin; repeat 3 times
2. Using 1 or 2 fingers (depends on size of child), make small circles from just below the right earlobe down to the chin; repeat on left side; massage each side 3-4 times
3. Using 1 or 2 fingers make small circles around the outline of the child’s lips; starting at the middle of the upper lip & working both sides simultaneously to meet at the middle of the lower lip
Massaging the sinuses:
1. Glide your forefingers down each side of the bridge of the nose, follow the cheekbone across & then end the stroke on the temples. You are essentially making a semi-circle under the eye. Repeat 3-4 times
2. Make small circles along the eyebrows, using 1 or 2 fingers, ending at the temples. Repeat 3-4 times.
3. Place fingertips at the middle of the hairline. Glide hands away from one another, ending at temples. Repeat, moving hands down forehead slightly, until last set of strokes are following eyebrow line.
Massaging ears (use extremely light pressure around ears!):
Using 1 finger, make small circles starting at the point where the top of the ear attaches to the head, massage around behind the ear, down to where the lobe meets the head, and around in front of the ear until you are back at the top of the ear. Repeat on other ear.
Using 1 finger, make small circles starting at the point where the top of the ear attaches to the head, massage around behind the ear, down to where the lobe meets the head, and around in front of the ear until you are back at the top of the ear. Repeat on other ear.
Finishing massage:
1. Glide fingertips from forehead down each side of the face, meeting at the chin
2. Finish with a kiss on the nose! “All Done!”
1. Glide fingertips from forehead down each side of the face, meeting at the chin
2. Finish with a kiss on the nose! “All Done!”
Nicole Meltzer, RMT, CHt is co-creator of Balanced Body Mind Spirit. Through her specialization in fertility issues, prenatal & pediatric care she helps parents conceive & achieve balance while on their journey into parenthood & beyond. To learn more, visit
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